My short story, The World is Inside, was published in Timeless Tales' Snow Queen Issue

My short story, The World is Inside, was published in the wonderful Timeless Tales’ Snow Queen Issue on December 20, 2016. The whole issue revolves around The Snow Queen by Hans Christian Andersen.

You can read the whole issue here –

I went futuristic for this one. I enjoy pushing myself into new genres and short stories are some of the best ways to approach a new genre.

A little bit of how / why I approached this fairy tale the way I did -- 
What captured my interest in Andersen’s original tale was how insular Gerda and Kai’s life seemed before the Snow Queen took Kai away. I wanted to exaggerate and emphasize that isolation. For my way into a new twist on an old story, I usually begin with the physical architecture, a visual scaffolding allowing me to build a new narrative. I started to imagine where they lived as two ultra modern high-rises with their communal connecting space as a suspended garden house pod. I’ve always been fascinated by pedestrian bridges and with the idea that they could be retooled as a living space. The original tale is from Gerda’s point of view, so I wrote a story where Gerda was part of the problem and Kai’s need for escape was understandable and necessary.

About Timeless Tales: 

Timeless Tales is a digital magazine exclusively publishing retellings of fairy tales and classic myths since 2013.

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